
WATERVILLE — During an outdoor ceremony, 462 degrees were awarded to members of Colby College’s Class of 2019 at the college’s 198th Commencement on May 26. Colby President David A. Greene handed a diploma to each of the graduates, including the following students.

• Sarah Hancock, of Casco, who attended Lake Region High School, is the daughter of Kenneth and Tracy Hancock of Casco. Hancock majored in global studies.

• Ainsley E. Parent, of Poland, attended Poland Regional High School and is the daughter of Joseph and Debra Parent of Poland. Parent majored in global studies.

David E. Kelley, creator of popular and critically acclaimed shows from “Ally McBeal” to “Big Little Lies,” spoke to a crowd of more than 3,000 and urged Colby College graduates to reject a career that is “not so terrible” and instead pursue what will make them truly fulfilled.

Acknowledging that his advice might seem banal, he urged students to do what gives them joy.

“Cling to the [inner] scream,” Kelley said.

“Keep it in there because so many, after failing to get what they want, decide the easier route is just to invalidate the want and pretend it was never a goal to begin with, and you become a little more deadened inside.”

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