Mrs. Clarke
Happy Friday. Our spring concert was wonderful. Thanks to Mrs. Potter and Ms. Harrison for their dedication to our young talented musicians. Our children loved and were inspired by the yearly visit from the West Paris graduating seniors. They visited classrooms wearing their caps and gowns. We are so proud of our Agnes Gray alumni. The field trip to the Sea Dogs was a success. Mrs. Timm and Conner won $100 for our school in a game that took place on top of the dugout. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

• Pre-K – We have been having fun doing a camping themed unit this week. So many fun activities and stories were shared. I love hearing about all the family camping trips. This week has gone so fast and I cannot believe next week is our last. On Monday, we will be taking a short hike with Mrs. Clark on a trail behind the main school. Water bottles are welcome. Pre-K joined in on the carnival fun Wednesday, June 12. Our year end celebration was Thursday, June 13, from 2 to 3 p.m. Have a wonderful weekend.
Ms. Larracey

• Kindergarten – We have made balloon cars to go with our Forces of Motion Science unit. We tried them yesterday and were disappointed because they didn’t work. So, we came back to the classroom and re-watched the informational video and found two things we needed to change. We will be trying them out again today. Ask your child if they worked. We’ll be looking at the concept of Friction and Sink and Float next week. Summer is almost here. We will be going through some testing to see where we are, but lots of fun will be tucked
into our days as well. Please make sure any guided reading and/or library books are returned as soon as possible.
Mrs. Biggers

• Grade One – This week we learned about how the internet allows us to send emails to communicate with one another. We talked about the kinds of things that are appropriate to send in an email and everyone was able
to send and receive some electronic mail. On Wednesday we had our final Firstie Family Luncheon at 11:45 a.m. and our carnival is at 1 p.m. If you haven’t RSVP’ed for our Right Start Aqua Academy yet, please do so by Monday. It will be held June 17 to 20, from 9 to 11:30 a.m. Lunch and snacks will be provided each day. We’ll read books about water, do experiments and activities with water, and incorporate movement and music into our mornings. I hope my firsties can make it. I look forward to this fun-filled week. If your child still has any school reading books at home, please return them, along with their vinyl zippered book pouch.
Mrs. Chafin

• Grade Two – It’s been another busy week here in second grade. It’s completely mind-blowing that we’re coming into the last week of the school year. We’ve been very busy wrapping up our last math unit which had us adding and subtracting three-digit numbers and asking ourselves “Is there enough …”? We finished our Best Part of Me writing and showcased our hard work at the Celebration of Learning on Wednesday night from 5 to 6 p.m. Wednesday was also our last Second Grade Family Luncheon. We’ve been working on our class movie that we’re making for Step-Up Day. Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Puiia

• Grade Three – Bridges made of paper? Houses made from twigs?  We are engineering in third grade. Students tested the strength of their bridge designs by placing pennies in the centers. Some students designed bridges that held over 60 pennies. Then, we had the opportunity to apply what we learned about supporting bridges to developing designs for fairy houses. We enjoyed the “Tale of Thumbelina,” a perfect way to wrap up our Fairy Tale unit.
Mrs. Cooper


• Grade Four – Fourth grade is working hard finishing up our social studies unit on Explorers. In Science, We are being introduced to sound and light waves. The students have been working hard on writing final essays and they are trying their best on final assessments. We had our Celebration of Learning on Wednesday at 5 p.m.
Mrs. Toita

• Grade Five – From Connor: This week, two classes, sixth and fifth grade, went to see the Sea Dogs. The workers chose my teacher to go on top of the dugout and play Deal or No Deal. Mrs. Timm and I won $100! With the money, we are going to buy some cool things for the playground. There’s a paper in the hall where you can write down the stuff you want for the playground. And we are going to spend some more on school supplies for kids who need it.
Mrs. Timm

• Grade Six – The sixth grade is demonstrating its stamina as we enter the final days of school. This week, despite spending a full day at Hadlock Field, we finished up our math unit on decimal operations and the students showed remarkable focus as they worked on their final science projects (designing their own ecosystems). We will wrap up the school year with a trip to Roberts Farm, Step-up Day at the middle school and (weather permitting) a hike to Berry’s Ledge, the school carnival, our celebration of learning, and a variety of STEM challenges. It has been a joy to spend the last six weeks with your children. I hope that everyone enjoys a happy, healthy summer.
Mrs. Abbott

Summer lunch will be available at Agnes Gray for all children under 18 years of age from June 17 through August, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Closed July 4.

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