The 2019 RSU Adult Education graduating class includes, from left, back row: Brawn Young, Cassandra Myers, and Morgan Nielsen; and front row, from left, Samra Nay, Parker Smith, and Rebekah Paschke. The 2019 graduates not pictured are Kianna A. Argueta, Todd J. Lopes, Oliver L. Strout, and Jarred M. Vandeymark. (Lucas Moulton)

MECHANIC FALLS – Ten RSU 16 Adult Education students were honored at a cap and gown graduation ceremony May 31 for meeting high school completion goals. Over 75 friends and family members gathered in the Elm Street School gymnasium as six of the graduates marched single file to “Pomp and Circumstance” played by pianist Lindsay Cook.

The 2019 graduates are Kianna A. Argueta, Todd J. Lopes, Cassandra A. Myers, Samra J. Nay, Morgan L. Nielsen, Rebekah S. Paschke, Parker V. Smith, Oliver L. Strout, Jarred M. Vandeymark, and Brawn D. Young.

Director Jenny Rose shared lessons learned by staff from this year’s students, and Regional Representative Marge Kilkelly offered words of congratulations on behalf of Sen. Angus King.

Superintendent Ken Healey, RSU 16 school board members, Poland Town Manager Matt Garside, and Ellen Wainwright, staff assistant to Sen. Susan Collins, also attended the event.

Several graduates were recognized by staff with specific awards. Samra Nay received a Perseverance award; Parker Smith received an Overcoming Obstacles award; and Cassandra Myers received an Academic Achievement award.

The Central Maine Community College Courage to Grow scholarship was awarded to Rebekah Paschke for one three-credit course.

Before receiving their diplomas from teacher Susan Lasselle and Superintendent Healey, graduates personally thanked family, friends, and educators who supported them in their educational journey by presenting them with a red rose.

For information about Maine Adult Education or to find the program nearest you, visit

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