Principal’s Corner

Wow, as I am writing this, there are just 12 days left in the year. Keeping the kids focused as we come to the end of this year has become increasingly … umm … shall I say interesting? And contrary to popular opinion, I am not too old to remember the feeling I had when my childhood school year would come to an end and the adventures of summer were within my grasp.

The past year has reminded me of a lesson I learned in my early school years. “What is done is done.” However, you can take stock, keep the good, learn from the tough and move into the next year stronger. It would be hard to say the school didn’t have a tough year, but wow! We have had some victories, also. Unquestionably, we will face challenges next year, but I hold to God’s word when it says, “For I know the plans I have for you, plans for a hope and a future.”

OHCA family, I just want to say God’s school has hope and a future, and with his continued blessings we will fulfill the plan he has set before us.

 Adrian Stickney

My first year, when I came to this school, which would be the seventh grade, I was very broken in my walk with God and was very self-centered, and I focused more on myself than God. In sixth grade, I felt like a failure and wanted to commit suicide and almost did, but because God loves me and that “for God so loved the world He gave His one and only son …” John 3:16.


He loved me and gave me hope and I put the knife down and picked up my Bible instead, because I wanted to serve Him. It was great to come here because each year I had to tell the public school that I refused any questions that had any collision with my beliefs as a Christian. When I first came, I was worried that I wouldn’t find any friends or fit in, but I was wrong. When I came, I knew Alana and Jacob Carr, and their influence on my life had been great in getting me through tough times.

It was really easy to settle into the school. I met quite a few friends … Jacob for his weirdness; Alana who kept me from feeling lonely; Owen, Jordan, Jeremy and Christian for friends to hangout and play; Josh who is like the brother I never met; and I also met Lily who’s been a great best friend and is and has been someone I can always talk to when I’m frustrated and need to clear my mind, and has been patient and put up with me, thank you!

I met Leah this year and I’m so glad we were able to connect when we first met and we have had so many laughs together, thanks for being my homie. This year I met our new principal, Mr. Swartz; his knowledge of history and leadership skills and trust in God is very admiring for me, and I strive to have the knowledge and trust that he has in God. OHCA isn’t just a school, it’s a family and there’s no other place I’d rather go to school than here. I love all of you!

Senior Spotlight

On behalf of the OHCA administration, teachers and family members, we would like to say congratulations to Josh Cote and Kylie Ruby, the Class of 2019! Josh and Kylie both have brought their own unique abilities and talents to the education process and have prepared themselves well for the transition to college. These have been important steps along the path of their life, but we are even more proud of the young man and young woman these two have become. They have been excellent representatives of OHCA and their presence will be missed. Congratulations!

Student life


Another year, another excellent performance! Ho hum … sometimes when you see something of quality over and over, you forget to stop and appreciate the amount of time, effort, and mastery of technique it takes to craft a masterpiece. I hope, as a community and school family, we never take for granted the heart and passion our students put into these yearly productions. And may we never grow un-thankful for the excellent leadership of our drama director, Michelle Wheeler. From the OHCA family to you, thank you!

Praise, thanks

1. Thank you to the individuals, families, and churches who have donated financially to OHCA.
2. Thank you to all the individuals who have donated school supplies.
3. Thank you to everyone who has donated items for the OHCA yard sale.
4. Thank you to all the parents and staff who are working diligently on the fundraising for the school.

The list of businesses and individuals who have stepped up to help OHCA is long and extensive. We just want to give God the glory for his provision and thank you for sowing so selflessly into His school. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

Upcoming Events

Thursday, June 13 – Junior High/High School Awards Ceremony, 6:30 p.m., 298 Coldwater Brook Rd., Oxford.
Thursday, June 13 – OOB Trip for High School during school day.
Thursday, June 13 – Last day of school for grades Pre-K to six.
Friday, June 14 – Last day of school for grades seven to 12.
Thursday, June 27 – PTO meeting, 6 p.m., at OHCA.

Contact us on our website at or check out our Facebook page.

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