Mrs. Clarke

Happy Friday. What a wonderful time we had jumping and hopping at our Jump-a-thon on Thursday. A big thank you to Student Council for organizing this fundraising event. Our fifth and sixth grade club met for the first time this week. The students (along with Justin from the Alan Day Community Garden) worked hard to prepare our raised beds and plant sunflowers. Thanks so much to the Poland family for preparing the ground for our soon-to-be-delivered garden shed. We are excited to move in all our outdoor tools and begin using the work space to expand our garden. Folks from Grover Gundrilling spent the day with us on Friday, helping to provide shade and ventilation in our outdoor classroom during their first Agnes Gray Day of Giving. Thanks to Mrs. Durgin’s husband for lending a hand on the project. Take care and enjoy your weekend.


• Pre-K – We have had a fun week with the warmer weather. We focused on a farm theme, using spaghetti as “hay” in the sensory table, painting with spaghetti at the art table. Together as a class we built a barn and painted it for the block center. In dramatic play, we worked at a farm stand. We focused on farm-themed games to work on our letters and numbers. As always, we continued to work on our names. With the last few weeks of school coming, we are all working hard on being kindergarten ready. The Jump-a-thon was so much fun. I hope everyone who came was able to enjoy the stations. I am so proud of Pre-K. They did an amazing job participating. Happy weekend!
Ms. Larracey

•  Kindergarten – We’ve had a really fun week with the Jump-a-thon and experimenting with forces of motion. We’ve learned that objects need either a push, pull, or gravity to make them move. We’ll be looking at friction and what it does as well. Thanks goes out to everyone who helped make our Jump-a-thon a success. We had a great time and got lots of exercise. For math, we are working on simple addition and subtraction concepts, and through lots of games, are trying to remember basic facts up to five (using manipulatives or fingers). Keep reading and writing.
Mrs. Biggers

• Grade One – Happy Friday. What a week! I attended a very special and unique teaching conference in Atlanta and our guest teacher, Mr. Dow, held down the first grade fort while I was gone. I am so very excited to share what I learned with our school leadership team so that we can have an even more amazing year at Agnes Gray. Stay tuned. Thank you to those who came to our writing celebration. The first grade STARs loved sharing their realistic fiction series stories with you. Next Wednesday afternoon, our students will attend a performance at The Celebration Barn. We are so anxious to see it.
Mrs. Chafin


• Grade Two – We have had a busy and productive week and were excited to have a three-day weekend. Second grade continues to enjoy our ABC Countdown to Summer Vacation. This week was filled with hats, ice pops, jokes and kindness. I look forward to next week and the fun we’ll have. Thank you to everyone who joined us for the Jump-a-Thon on Wednesday, as well as those who donated money to sponsor our students. It was a great day and the kids had a great time. We are looking forward to completing our opinion unit during the next few days and beginning a fun mini-unit I do with my second grade classes each year. Please continue to check your student’s handwriting booklet nightly and initial it. The students are doing very well remembering their homework.
Mrs. Puiia

• Grade Three – It’s been our pleasure to have a new volunteer in our classroom on Wednesdays. Her name is Ms. Liz. She is a kind, positive and engaging person who reads us stories about all of life’s ups and downs. She also has a special friend named Howard B. Wigglebottom, who shares some of his own stories. Thank you, Ms. Liz, for making time in your life to be here with us. You are one more volunteer making a difference in our lives.
Mrs. Cooper

• Grade Four – It was my first week back with the students and I was so impressed with how much work they completed since I have been gone. Brenda Parent praised the children for their effort, perseverance, and terrific behavior. We continue to study the American Revolution, multiplying two-digit by two-digit numbers, and our introduction to long division using partial products. End of year science will focus on sound waves and light waves. Finally, we are wrapping up our final writing pieces to add to our portfolios. We are going to busy in the next three weeks.
Mrs. Toita

• Grade Five – Please note: As the fifth grade has so successfully completed a unit on journalism, we will have a weekly guest writer help out with our Bobcat News each week. Our guest journalist this week is Jackson Parlin. This week we have been studying the Constitution. We have been doing an essay about the Constitution and we are almost done with our essays about the Constitution. This year’s Jump-a-thon went great, most of us had a blast, we had seven stations. The stations were pogo sticking, trampolines, hula hoop, sack race, jump ropes, hopscotch and kickball, but you had to jump to go to the bases.
Jackson Parlin
Mrs. Timm

• Grade Six – This week in math we learned how to multiply and divide decimals. Mr. Merrill taught us how to turn decimals into whole numbers using division. In social studies, we have been working on an essay about the Mexican-American War. In science, right now we are learning about matter. We had a quiz on Thursday and we did well as a class. We got to visit the middle school on Monday to learn about what our lives would be like in seventh grade.
Shaun Berry

Upcoming Events

Monday, June 3 – Chorus and instrument concert in the gym at 1:45 p.m. This spring concert, directed by Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Potter, will be put on by students in the fourth, fifth and sixth grades and will feature the chorus and instrumentalists.
Monday, June 10 – West Paris Explorers dinner and show fundraiser from 5:30-6:30 p.m. Tickets are $8 per person and $25 for a family.
Wednesday, June 12 – Carnival at 3 p.m.
Wednesday, June 12 – Celebration of Learning from 5-6 p.m.

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