STRONG  — The board of directors of School Administrative District 58 agreed unanimously Thursday night to immediately replace the fire alarm system at Kingfield Elementary School.

The cost, which is at least $15,000, is not in the budget for this fiscal year, which ends July 1.

“We’ve already looked at a couple of quotes,” Director Paul Gardiner of Avon said.

Another issue facing the board as the school year draws to a close is finding a superintendent to succeed Susan Pratt, who is retiring. A search committee has been reviewing candidates.

In other business:

• The board unanimously approved continuing probationary contracts for first-, second- and third-year educators.


• Facilities and Transportation Manager Scott LeHay received the Employee of the Month award.

• Administrators gave the board brief updates on recent activities in the four schools:

• Kingfield Elementary School Principal Johanna Prince said music teacher Karen Beacham will take students to a Bangor Symphony Orchestra concert paid for by Kingfield POPS.

• Mt. Abram High School Principal Michelle Tranten said staff and students have been busy with graduation plans, a student art show and year-end academics.

• Phillips Elementary School Principal Jeff Pillsbury said staff and students were busy there as well.

• Strong Elementary School Principal Brenda Dwiggins introduced teachers and five students who presented their National History Day project on the Little Rock Nine, a group of black students who enrolled at the formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in September 1957. The students won the regional competition in Lewiston and took first place in the state competition in April.

• The board also heard from Booster Club representative Danielle London, who said the organization has donated money to help renovate the high school track area. Other proposed projects by the club include scoreboards, lighting and power for ball fields. The club has saved money to cover at least $20,000 of the cost, and will seek donations for the remainder. The Booster Club, high school administrators and facilities manager Scott LeHay will work on details. “This has been a three- or four-year ongoing plan,” London said.

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