NORWAY — The Mountain Poets Society, centered in Norway, has met monthly for more than 20 years. Poets from all over the Oxford Hills have enjoyed collaborative meetings in which they share original poems in process by reading them aloud and sharing working copies. The venue of these meetings has changed, but they have happened on the second Sunday of each month from 4 to 6 p.m. for many years.

On Sunday, May 12, the group will meet at the Lajos Matolcsy Art Center at 480 Main St. in Norway. This historic former schoolhouse is home to the Western Maine Art Group. The poets are happy to be able to try out this new location and invite anyone who is interested to join, especially if they write poetry. The meeting will be from 4 to 6 p.m. It is free.

The Mountain Poets have offered at least two public readings each year. One has been at the Norway Arts and Music Festival, this year on Saturday, July 13, from 2 to 3 p.m. on the porch of the Weary Club. The other has been at Cafe Nomad as part of the community’s Earth Day celebration. These are more formal readings of finished poems.

The monthly meetings are work sessions with emphasis on revision. Poets take turns reading aloud and the group discusses how the poem might be improved. Participants are also welcome just to listen and enjoy.

For information, call Lisa at 743-9808.

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