GREENWOOD — On Feb. 21 Albert Curtis Jr. resigned as Fire Chief of the Greenwood Fire Department, according to Town Manager Kim Sparks.

Curtis Jr. joined the department in 2005 and was promoted to chief in 2010.

In his resignation letter Curtis Jr. said that he had taken a new job and was concerned that it would interfere with his duties as chief. He said that the select board and town manager could decided whether to promote from within the department or hire someone new. Curtis Jr. also asked to remain on the department, citing that he’d still like to respond to calls when he can and so he can participate in the annual fundraising events the department does. He said if he can stay on, he only expects to be paid for training, meetings and emergency responses.

An interim chief has not been named yet, Sparks said.

She also said Albert Curtis III and residents Anita Hakala and Brian Letourneau have collected signatures for a petition calling for a vote to recall Selectman Arnold Jordan. They needed 41 signatures and got 43, she said. Forty-one signatures were required because in the towns recall ordinance, it states that a “petition for a recall must contain only signatures of registered voters of the Town of Greenwood, equal to 10 percent of the number of votes cast in the last gubernatorial election but in all cases no less than ten.”

Sparks said she plans to certify the petitions and present them to selectmen at their March 19 meeting. Selectmen would then schedule a special town meeting at some point, according to Sparks.

There is no reason listed on the petition as to why they want recall Jordan, Sparks said.

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