RUMFORD — A Livermore Falls driver suffered minor injuries when his truck slid off icy Route 108 and rolled over Friday afternoon.

Kenneth Drake, 58, was driving south in his 1997 Ford Ranger truck with a snowmobile trailer hitched behind when he hit the ice, police officer Lawrence Briggs said.

Drake was taken by Med-Care ambulance to Rumford Hospital to be assessed, Briggs said.

The road was closed for more than an hour to clear debris and spead sand.

The Rumford Fire Department also responded.

A pickup truck driven by Kenneth Drake of Livermore Falls is hauled from Route 108 in Rumford after it hit ice and rolled over Friday afternoon. (Rumford Falls Times photo by Marianne Hutchinson)

A pickup truck driven by Kenneth Drake of Livermore Falls slid off an icy section of Route 108 in Rumford on Friday afternoon. Drake suffered minor injuries in the rollover.  (Rumford Falls Times photo by Marianne Hutchinson)


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