DEAR SUN SPOTS: High Street Congregational Church is accepting donations of fabric and crafting supplies for the annual Fabric Fair that will be held on Saturday, April 6. Donations may be dropped off at 106 Pleasant St. in Auburn on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. or at other times by appointment. Call 207-784-1306 or email for more information or to reserve your craft table for the sale.

— Rose, Auburn

DEAR SUN SPOTS: We are a group of 10-20 fun-loving, crafty people looking for a space in the Lewiston/Auburn area to gather, socialize and work on our crafts one evening a week for about 3-4 hours. Our crafts include sewing, knitting/crocheting, making rugs, etc. We desire a space that supplies ample tables, chairs and electrical outlets. Would anyone out in Sun Spots Land know of any such place? Please contact me at 207-786-2236.

— Denise, no town

ANSWER: You may want to approach your local library to inquire about using a meeting space. Local churches may also have a spot for you. Have fun!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: In response to my inquiry in January, thank you for providing me with the Bose phone number which was different than the one I had used. The customer service representative explained to me that I have a Series #3 Bose radio and CD player which they no longer sell or have parts for. They upgraded to a Series #4 which is only the radio and one CD slot. Series #3 is a radio and one CD slot with an additional unit for three 3 CDs. This is the unit that no longer works; therefore I’m still in need of someone to repair it.


I read Sun Spots every day. You’re a bundle of information which I have used many times!

—No name, no town

Thank you both for being such loyal Sun Spots fans! I really appreciate it. Readers, I could use your help on this. Is there anyone in Sun Spots Land who can fix these critters? I did come up with a business in Augusta called The Stereo Doctor, located at 151 Water St. It seems promising! The website is and the number is 207-623-3222.

If you are a DIY person or know someone who is, YouTube has several clips about CD player repair and cleaning. I viewed a couple and it looks doable if the parts you need are still being manufactured and sold. Unfortunately though, a lot of these electronics were made to just throw away and start new.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Could you tell me what has happened to Kim Block from WGME-TV? I haven’t seen her on in weeks. Thank you for the great service you provide. Everyone loves reading Sun Spots!

— David, no town

ANSWER: According to Kim’s Facebook page, she injured herself in a fall and is recuperating. She’ll be back on the job very soon!

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