MECHANIC FALLS — Katie Louise Love, daughter of Stephen and Tina Love of Minot, and Tyler Andrew Sturtevant, son of Jeff and Katie Sturtevant of Mechanic Falls, were joined in marriage Saturday, Oct. 20, at the Pleasant Street Baptist Church in Mechanic Falls. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Pastor Greg Morgan officiated at the ceremony.

The bride was attended by Krysta Martin as maid of honor. Bridal attendants included Amanda Knights, Andrea Kinder, Danielle Cote and Ashton Sturtevant, sister of the groom.

Flower girl duties were performed by cousins of the couple, Daphne Knights, Evelyn Stevens and Finley Coleman. Ring bearers were Noah and Cooper Coleman, cousins of the groom.

The groom was attended by his brother, Kody Sturtevant, as the best man. Groomsmen included Jacob Hall, Nate Decker, Everett Bertrand and Austin Love, brother of the bride.

A reception followed at the Hilton Garden Inn, Auburn Riverwatch. Guests attended from Ohio, Vermont and Connecticut to share in the blessed event.

The bride graduated from Saint Joseph’s College of Maine with a bachelor of science degree in nursing. She works as a registered nurse at CMMC in Lewiston.

The groom graduated from Castleton University with a bachelor’s degree in business administration with a concentration in management. He works as a manager at Steven’s Hardware in Sabattus.

After a honeymoon to Cancun, Mexico, the couple resides in Mechanic Falls.

Katie and Tyler Sturtevant

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