100 years ago: 1918

So far as the American government was advised late today, no word has been received by Marshal Foch from the German high command since the courier of the armistice envoys started back through the battle lines last night with the surrender terms and the ultimatum for their acceptance by 11 o’clock Monday morning.

50 years ago: 1968

A musical meeting was held Wednesday at the First Universalist Church in Auburn for members of the Auburn Senior Citizens when talented members provided the entertainment. They arranged a variety program which was presented during the meeting and featured were skits, musical selections and jokes. A violin solo by Waldo Lincoln, accompanied by Mrs. Dawn Conant Grant, opened the enjoyable program. They played various dance tunes and Miss Florence Harrington and Miss Mollie Jumper did a fine polka in keeping to the music.

25 years ago: 1993

President Clinton urged families Sunday to consider living wills that stipulate when an ailing person should be allowed to die, suggesting that’s one way to weed out some questionable health care costs. “I certainly would sign one.” Clinton said, adding that he had discussed the issue with his wife, Hillary, whose father died earlier this year after a lingering illness and a stroke. It has been estimated that as much as a third of the country’s medical costs stem from care given in the final year of life. Medical experts say particularly high costs can be incurred when trying to keep someone alive against high odds.

The material used in Looking Back is reproduced exactly as it originally appeared. although misspellings and errors may be corrected.

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