SABATTUS — Write-in votes put three people into office Tuesday night, according to town election results.

In an uncontested race for three-year selectmen terms, Jean Paul Curran received 1,251 votes and Guy Desjardins 1,523.

Connie Castonguay received 1,757 votes for a two-year position.

Richard Lacombe received 1,735 votes for sanitary/water district trustee and Castonguay was written into the second seat with 12 votes.

For the school board, three candidates filled the three open seats, Sarah Bade receiving 864 votes, Joshua Bisson 616 votes and Jennifer Waterman 1,328 votes.

Bade won a write-in seat with six votes for the Budget Committee. Jack Harlow won a seat on the same committee with three write-ins.

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