This week The Buzz is calming nerves and celebrating new windows.

The scene at Krispy Kreme’s opening in Auburn last January. After a minor fire on Tuesday night, the eatery will be shut down for cleaning for the next two weeks. (Sun Journal file photo)

First, Krispy Kreme has closed.

But only for two weeks.

Cort Mendez, president and CEO of NH Glazed, owner of the Center Street Krispy Kreme in Auburn, said a spark from an electrical box around 1 a.m. Tuesday has temporarily put them out of business.

“It hit the shortening in the fryer and created a fire — the suppression system came on immediately,” he said.

And came on, and on.


There was no serious damage, and Mendez is glad no one was around when it happened, but it’ll take time to get everything cleaned up and back in order. He’s trying to send employees down to the Saco store for work, in the meantime.

“We try to take care of our people as best we can,” he said.

Krispy Kreme opened with a long-anticipated bang back in January.

While sales have leveled off after a “really, really strong” start, “our fundraising side has really taken off, which has been great,” Mendez said. “That’s kind of exploded, in a very good way.”

Schools, churches and other nonprofits buy bulk doughnuts at wholesale and sell them to raise money for their organizations.

“That’s one of the things that was appealing to me about the brand to begin with,” he said. “We had a cheerleading team that made just under $5,000 with us, same with a softball team up in Fort Kent.”


Expect the “hot now” sign to flick back on later this month. Mendez said to check the Facebook page for the opening date.


Hope Haven Gospel Mission recently wrapped up an 18-month campaign to raise just over $22,000 to replace 63 windows in its five-story building on Lincoln Street in Lewiston. (Russ Dillingham/Sun Journal)

Hope Haven Gospel Mission recently wrapped up an 18-month campaign to raise just over $22,000 to replace 63 windows in its five-story building on Lincoln Street in Lewiston.

Business Administrator Rebecca Winslow said drafty windows made the building too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. New ones were installed in less than three days last month by L & S Windows, which donated three windows, Winslow said.

Next up this week: A campaign for two new high-capacity washers and dryers. The shelter’s down to one working dryer and one washer that works but needs to be watched as it cycles to avoid flooding.

“We have a massive amount of laundry,” Winslow said. “We do linens a couple times a week, towels a couple times a week, so it puts a lot of wear and tear on our machines.”


The shelter serves 45,000 meals a year, sees 12,000 annual visits to its food pantry and clothes closet and has 32 beds for overnight stays.

Winslow’s hoping to raise $4,000 with the new campaign.


And you could be happier at work.

According to Owl Lab’s new “2018 Global State of Remote Work” report, 41 percent of people in the Northeast feel happy and productive in their jobs compared to the national average of 47 percent and a global average of 53 percent.

Workers in the Northeast are also least likely to work remotely one day a week (33 percent versus a high of 43 percent in the West).


Maybe the answer is more doughnuts in the break room?

The answer’s always more doughnuts in the break room.

Quick hits about business comings, goings and happenings. Have a Buzzable tip? Contact staff writer Kathryn Skelton at 689-2844 or


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