BETHEL — The Senior Players are dedicating this year’s performance to Tineke Ouwinga, one of the original members of the group. She was always willing to take on any role, no matter how difficult — or silly — the part. Her creativity extended to directorial advice, costume design and even finding appropriate plays for the group. We all miss her as will the audience members who watched her over the past twelve years.
Abou the show: Lorrie Hoeh and Melinda Remington star as two charming Southern ladies in “Griddle Cakes” by Mark Rigney. Not to be outdone, Jim McClean and Ray Leghart face off across the checker board in “Who’s Turn Is It” by Philip Potak. Mariann Goff and Tim LeConey show what happens when government agencies collide in “Spies” by David J. LeMasters. And Tim LeConey, Lorrie Hoeh, Ray Leghart, Jim McClean and Jack Kuchta show us what a great mystery writer Arthur Conan Doyle was in his “The Dying Detective.”
Performances are at 7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Nov. 16-17, at the McLauglin Science Center at Gould Academy. Admission is free and refreshments will be available.
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