Most everyone wants to take care of senior citizens and the disabled, but people need to be sensible. Adding 3.8 percent to the current top rate of 7.15 percent would push Maine’s tax rate to the second highest in the country, behind only California. California has the highest tax rate of 13.3 percent, but that rate is reserved for the truly wealthy — those earning more than about $1.1 million.

If Question 1 passes, individuals and, contrary to the commercials and the pro-propaganda, families and small businesses will be taxed at 10.95 percent — a rate that exceeds California and every other state in the U.S. — for anyone making more than $128,400 a year.

That is not the income of the wealthy; that is the income of the middle class. The middle class will be taking another hit. Is that what people want?

According to CNBC, Maine has the third highest tax burden in the country, behind only New York and Hawaii. Who is going to want to come to Maine? The state has enough trouble keeping people and attracting new businesses, voters should not make it worse.

I hope others will join me in voting “no” on Question 1.

Daniel Butler, Auburn

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