Eight months ago, all I knew about Misty Coolidge, Democratic candidate for state representative District 65, was that she owned the wedding barn with the cool fence on Route 100. Now, I know Coolidge is the rare person whose instinct is to work with people for the benefit of all.

Owner of six properties and three businesses, she knows intimately the issues for small businesses in Maine. She also knows the pain of living without needed medical insurance and of how addiction can destroy a family. Yet, she naturally approaches life positively and with enthusiastic good will. She clearly likes people. There is a reason that Republican lawns in New Gloucester are sprouting Misty Coolidge for state representative signs.

With space, I could say much more. I think Misty Coolidge will be a warm, effective rock-star representative in Augusta and will support her on Nov. 6.

Penny Hilton, New Gloucester

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