Jared Golden understands hard work and public service. In the Maine Legislature, he fought to improve benefits for fellow veterans, increased wages for workers and expanded access to health care.

Throughout his military service and public career, Golden fights for a country that takes care of working families, public servants and the elderly.

Bruce Poliquin opposed the Affordable Care Act and supported massive tax giveaways to the rich, abandoning Americans to rely on family inheritance and hedge funds as their social safety net.

For most Mainers, Poliquin’s voting record is a flat denial of economic reality. Poliquin’s primary achievement has been the transfer of wealth from working people to the nation’s wealthiest owning class.

Golden has fought for the rights of regular people. It is time the people fight for Jared Golden. He has my vote to represent Mainers in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Craig Saddlemire, Lewiston

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