Republicans have labeled Democrats seeking office as tax-and-spend liberals. I do not believe that is true. Democrats are better labeled progressives.

Republicans call themselves conservatives. I do not agree with that. I think a lot of them are reactionaries.

I believe Democrats are progressive because they want the government and taxes to improve life for all people, especially the hard-working middle class — the backbone of the country.

I call the Republicans reactionaries because they want to roll back environmental and civil right protections, prevent any true progress in health care and, most of all, through their supply-side economics and no campaign finance reform, transfer all wealth and political power to the extreme rich.

That is making this country into a Middle Ages feudal state.

On Nov. 6, I hope others will join me in voting for progressives, who will return the middle class to its status of the 1950-1960s.

Timothy Carter, Bethel

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