I am supporting Question 1 in November, the home care initiative. I believe that all Maine senior citizens and people who live with disabilities should be able to stay at home, where they are most comfortable and where they can be near loved ones.

Currently, my mother is taking care of my great-aunt full-time. She stopped working in order to do this emotional and exhausting work. The initiative would provide financial support to family caregivers in this situation, and help loved ones stay in their homes.

The initiative also makes common sense economically speaking. It costs upwards of $100,000 annually to stay in a nursing home, while full-time home care services average about $50,000 annually. The initiative could save the entire system a lot of money.

As for how it is paid for, that is also common sense. The tax code is designed to favor the wealthy and big corporations. The initiative could take a step in the right direction when it comes to tax reform as it is funded by a 3.8 percent tax on individual income greater than $128,400. The new tax on the wealthy would bring more fairness to the tax system, while funding a vital service for the elderly.

I hope others will join me in support of Question 1. It is the loving and humane thing to do.

Maggie Maiorana, Lewiston

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