NORWAY — The Board of Selectmen voted unanimously Friday morning to hire Lewiston-based contractor Hebert Construction to fix the leaking roof of the Norway Opera House clock tower on Main Street.

Town Manager Dennis Lajoie told the selectmen at an Oct. 4 meeting that the clock tower roof is “leaking worse than we thought,” and that Hebert Construction had submitted a $5,412 proposal to fix the leaks.

By hiring Hebert, Lajoie said, work would begin on Oct. 18.

“The contractor will need to do the work from the middle of Main Street,” Lajoie said. “The goal is to not close the street, but to have one travel lane with flaggers. (Oct. 18) is the only day that this work can be done before any more damage happens.”

The board also voted to accept a $16,960 proposal by Damon Mechanical of Auburn to install a heat pump at the Norway Police Department.

Code Enforcement Officer Scott Tabb told the board that Damon Mechanical’s proposal was $1,300 less than the other bidder, Thayer Corp. of Auburn.

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