JAY — Selectpersons voted Monday to sign a contract for up to $298,100 for work on the conversion of the North Jay sewer system.

The vote was contingent on some legal wording being changed in the contract to with Wright-Pierce engineering firm. The changes were recommended by the Maine Municipal Association.

The money is part of $3.9 million voters approved in September for installation of  a pump station and force main system to send sewage from North Jay to Livermore Falls for treatment.

Of the $298,100, $190,900 is for the design and permitting phase.

The town will eliminate use of the North Jay Treatment Plant.

The Topsham firm would like to get going on some aspects of the project, including delineation of wetlands, Sewer Superintendent Mark Holt said. 

Selectpersons, Holt and Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere will hold a special board meeting with engineers at 8 a.m. Friday at the Town Office to discuss a possible delivery method that could reduce the cost of the project.


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