I fully support Sen. Susan Collins’ decision to ask the FBI to conduct a full investigation into Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s past. Becoming a Supreme Court justice is a high honor, and all Americans deserve the chance to learn about any nominee’s past work and character that may impact how he rules on the highest court of the land.

Recently, the nation watched as Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and Kavanaugh gave their personal testimonies before the Senate Judiciary Committee. While the hearing showed that several senators’ motivations may be politically charged due to the timing of the allegation being released, Dr. Ford’s claims deserve to be investigated. At the same time, Judge Kavanaugh has been deeply vetted and investigated in many of his previous judicial positions.

If the FBI does not find any new proof to substantiate Dr. Ford’s claims, I hope that Sen. Collins and the rest of the country will see that Judge Kavanaugh has always had a great temperament, and not just as a judge. He has been a role model for the girls youth basketball team he coaches, for his students at Harvard and for the men and women from law school that he clerked with. He has always been a hard-worker, committed to finding the truth and committed to the U.S. Constitution.

Nominees to the Supreme Court need to be held to a high standard, and I think Judge Kavanaugh qualifies. I believe he would make an excellent Supreme Court justice.

Lydia George, Greene

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