BELFAST — The Sadie and Harry Davis Foundation has awarded grants to 10 Maine organizations through its Children’s Health Small Grants Program. The awards total $95,000. The list of local recipients and their children’s health projects are:

• Community Clinical Services, Lewiston, $14,000.
Increasing Childhood Immunizations: To partner with Healthy Androscoggin to increase immunization rates for 2-year-old children in central Maine where rates lag drastically behind key targets.

• Community Youth Services, Auburn, $11,000.
Career Pathways Initiative: To provide at-risk youth with employment experience, financial literacy opportunities, group and individual counseling and health education services.

• Good Shepherd Food Bank, Auburn, $7,500.
Youth and Families Initiative: To provide diverse range of hunger-relief initiatives for disadvantaged Maine children, including meals to students and families, fresh fruits at events, food supplies from local farmers to schools while in session and for children during times away from school.

The Foundation’s mission is to advance the health of Maine’s children. The Foundation focuses its resources primarily on improving the oral health of Maine children through its support of From the First Tooth, a preventative oral health care program for children operated by MaineHealth as well as the newly established Partnership for Children’s Oral Health. Through its support of these efforts, the Foundation’s goal is to eradicate dental disease in all Maine children and increase their access to preventative oral health care.

The Foundation’s Children’s Health Small Grants Program awards multiple grants annually. During the last 12 years through grants ranging from $3,000 to $15,000, the program has awarded close to $775,000 for nearly 100 projects.

Projects must advance Maine children’s health, focus on prevention and increase access to needed services for underserved populations among other priorities.

For more information, visit the Foundation’s

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