DEAR SUN SPOTS: This past week, I found a pair of Foster Grant eyeglasses while walking along the roadside in Roxbury. Please help me return these glasses to their rightful owner. My contact information is

—Rebecca, no town

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Calling all crafters! Schooner Estates Senior Living Community has tables available for our 11th Annual Fall Craft Fair ($20 per table). The fair takes place on Saturday, Oct. 20 at 9 a.m. (7 a.m. set-up). Please contact Giselle Prevost at 207-784-2900 ext. 135 or for more information.

—Lindsey, no town

ANSWER: Schooner Estates is located at 200 Stetson Road in Auburn. Sun Spots and Community News are the perfect ways to advertise your upcoming fall and holiday fairs. If you have a need, such as advertising tables for rent and want donations and volunteers, Sun Spots is the place to let all our Sun Journal readers know. If you just want to get the word out so you have lots of attendees, send your information to Community News at If you’re not sure, send your note to both. We will sort it out and help you out. We love craft fairs!

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Do you have a repairman in your Rolodex who removes shower doors then would repair the holes in the wall? You are such a great help to everybody keep up the good work! Thank you.


—No name, no town

ANSWER: It sounds like you need a general handyman or carpenter for this work. You have to know that these people are always in demand and can be pretty booked up. There is Building Maintenance Plus at 207-689-4799 although they are booked out a couple months. Also try Mr. WiFiIT at 1-888-300-9679 and deBoard Remodeling at 207-577-9765.

Readers, please send me your recommendations. It’s time to update the Rolodex with good, reliable tradespeople who have these skills. We can never have enough of them in the Rolodex.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m writing because we have many record albums we no longer use and would like to share them with someone who might be interested in owning them. If anyone who would like to take a look at them, please call at 207-777-7194. Thank you for your help. As usual, you do great work and have helped many people.

—Claire and John, Lewiston

ANSWER: I’m assuming you wish to donate the records, not sell them, and that they’re still in good shape and playable. If you do wish to sell them, please consider taking out an ad in the classifieds.


There are vintage records stores who will pay for your collection if it’s in good condition and there are also non-profit organizations that will take your records and use them to make beautiful crafts that they then sell to raise funds. If you wish to donate your records to such an organization, Sun Spots will put you in touch! As for other readers with records they wish to donate, let me know.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: I’m wondering if you have the name of a serious marble collector in your Rolodex? I’ve been collecting marbles for over 40 years and it’s time to let them go. Perhaps some of your readers have a lead. Any help would be appreciated.

—No name, no town

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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