Central Maine Medical Center

Leah Nicole Berube, a girl to  Jessica Robbins and Drew Berube of South Paris, June 20. Grandparents, Alan and Mary Robbins, Oxford, Stacy Johnson, Oxford, Claude and Wendy Berube, Jay.

Ammiah Charlie-Anne Gray, a girl to Sadie Frost and Varland Gray II of Livermore Falls, July 2. Siblings, Varland III, Grayson, Lane, Aubriannah; grandparents, Elizabeth and William Childers, Dexter, Lori Michaud, Turner, Varland Gray, Sangerville, Roland Frost, Derby.

Dillon Marjorie Gallant, a girl to Keisha Daggett and Nicholas Gallant of Mexico, July 4. Grandparents, Lisa Tracy (Daggett), Rumford, David Gallant and Elizabeth Donahue, Roxbury; great-grandparents, George Daggett and Marjorie Burke, Patten, Leo and Merlene Gallant, Roxbury, Carrie Child (Donahue) and George Donahue, Peru.

Darien Charles Roberts, a boy to Tracy and Joshua Roberts of Livermore Falls, July 2. Siblings, Serenity, Logan; grandparents, Robert Plessis, Turner, Eric Roberts, Leeds, Michelle St. Hilaire, Lewiston; great-grandparents, Cora Moreau, Lewiston, Lorraine Kraulichik, Auburn.

Dominic Hamann, a boy to Heather Grant and Roland Hamann of Leeds, June 27. Sibling, Memphis; grandparents, Stan Grant, Leeds, Sharon Grant, Lewiston; great-grandparents, Jackie and Richard Ricker, Lewiston, Elizabeth and Irving Grant, Lewiston.


Karter Lawrence Clark, a boy to Kathryn and Kyle Clark of Auburn, June 30.

Maci Gertrude Bryce, a girl to Amber Chase and Daniel Bryce of Wales, July 5. Sibling, Mia; grandparents, Amy and Aaron Chase, Wales, Harold and Roseanna Bryce, Litchfield; great-grandparents, Jim and Janice Wright, Sabattus, Pauline Chase, Litchfield. 

Levi Bennett Caron, a boy to Jacob and Lindsay Caron of Farmingdale, July 12. Sibling, Hunter; grandparents, Dan and Sue Niles, North Monmouth, Tim and Tina Caron, Wiscassett; great-grandparents, Betty Harman, Bingham, Leonette Fortier, Winslow.

Layna Mae Coburn, a girl to Cody Coburn and Lea Chouinard of Greene, July 17. Siblings, Cayden, Corbin; grandparents, Larry and Laurie Chouinard, Lewiston, Linda Bourque, Lewiston, Bill and Renee Coburn, Lewiston; great-grandparents, Lorraine Chouinard, Lewiston, Arthur and Helen Hughes, Lewiston.

Natalie Jayne Bowie, a girl to Ashley Walder and Seth Bowie of Lewiston, July 18. Siblings, Bradley, Mason; grandparents, Amanda Boisvert, Poland, Adam Bowie, Poland, Donna Grimes, Lewiston, Scott Walder, Windsor, Vt.

Addilyn Rose McLaughlin, a girl to Michael and Tiffani-Rae McLaughlin of Gardiner, July 18. Grandparents, Clinton and Betty Steward, Greene, Richard and Eva Stone, Strongsville, Ohio.


Mason William Hanson, a boy to Jordan and Jennifer Hanson of Buckfield, July 20. Siblings, Hailey, Carter; grandparents, Jim and Kathy Hanson, Turner, Don and Sandy MacPeek, Turner; great-grandparents, Annie Hanson, Turner, Ruth MacPeek, Florida, Jim and Jan Stewart, Sandwich, Mass.

Evelynn Marie Lee-Yeaton, a girl to Cheyenne Yeaton and Brian Lee of Peru, July 26. Grandparents, Brenda Yeaton, Peru, Elwood Yeaton, Peru, Peggie Geiger, Carneys Point, N.J. 

Zoey Moody, a girl to Morgan Lumbert and Josh Moody of Topsham, July 15. Siblings, Izik, Zayden; grandparents, Janet and Doug Lumbert, Gorham, George Moody, Topsham; great-grandparents, Keith and Gaetane Lumbert, Saco, Don Werenko, Murphy, N.C.

Bryceson Alexzander-Ray Staples, a boy to Michelle Hamel of Lewiston, July 25. Siblings, Kaydan, Malikai, Angel; grandparent, Carol Hamel, Portland.

London Lee Beck, a boy to Tyler and Gabrielle Beck of Lisbon, July 29. Grandparents, Jody Douglass, Lisbon, Rebecca Beck, Brunswick, Glen Ouellette, Auburn; great-grandparents, Linda Douglass, Lisbon, Cathy Sautter, Lisbon Falls, Louise Letourneau, Bowdoin.

Haylee Elizabeth Cook, a girl to Erica Russell and Justin Cook of Sabattus, Aug. 2. Sibling, Maxx; grandparents, Tina and Daniel Cook, Wales, Doris Russell, Sabattus.


Kerrigan Mati Gallagher, a girl to Ryan and Caitlyn Gallagher of Auburn, Aug. 5. Sibling, Callahan Kate; grandparents, John Robitaille, Greene, Mary McRae, Greene, Donna Gallagher, Lewiston.

Tucker Edward Dennis Poulin, a boy to Taylor Spencer and Tyler Poulin of Greene, Aug. 8. Sibling, Tinleigh; grandparents, Terry Hewins, Hallowell, Dennis Spencer Jr., Oxford, Don and Dawna Poulin, Greene; great-grandparents, Judy and Dennis Spencer, Turner, Yoland Collins, Lewiston.

Gracelynn Irene Jenkins, a girl to Ashley Nickerson and Paul Jenkins of Lewiston, July 31. Siblings, Anthony, Mykayla, Nevaeh; grandparents, Brenda Nickerson, Lewiston, Alan Nickerson, Auburn; great-grandparents, Rita Hebert, Auburn, Marcel Hebert, Auburn, Shirley Lydick, Medway.

Charles Ashby Merrill, a boy to Nathan and Katherine Merrill of Sumner, July 6. Siblings, Idella, Calvin, Anna; grandparents, Erwin and Alberta Merrill, South Paris, Scott and Sara Heffner, Oxford.

St. Mary’s Regional Medical Center

Philip Michael Giasson Jr., a boy to Linnea Goodridge and Philip Giasson of Otisfield, June 27. Sibling, Eliza; grandparents, Russell and Karalee Giasson, Mechanic Falls, Ginger and Paul, Lewiston; great-grandparents, Frantie Giasson, Norway, Shirley Twitchell, Oxford.


Vivien Frances Pettengill, a girl to Jeremy and Martina Pettengill of Lewiston, June 25. Sibling, Everett; grandparents, Bruce and Jean Pettengill, Leeds, Lori and Travis Laverdier, Livermore, Peter Urlickson and Melissa Chaloult, Harrison, Roderick Smith, Eustis.

Gabriel Craig Birkbeck, a boy to Jessica Belanger and James Birkbeck of Sabattus, June 28. Sibling, Katia; grandparents, Denise and Craig Libby, Greene, Sharon Birkbeck and Norman Fields, Virginia Beach, Va.

Claire Megan Tracey, a girl to Mr. and Mrs. Tyler Tracey of Lewiston, June 27. Siblings, Douglas, Cynthia; grandparents, George and Cynthia Wardwell, Poland, Denis and Debra Bedard, Etna, Rick and Rhonda Tracey, Skowhegan; great-grandparents, Jean Benson, Poland, Nada Grant, Norridgewock.

Holden Michael Elie, a boy to Nicole and Jacob Elie of Turner, June 28. Sibling, Ryan; grandparents, Aline and Gary Elie, Lewiston, Sue and Mike Meservier, Turner.

Caisy Eleanor Coffman, a girl to Travis and Audrey Coffman of Buckfield, June 28. Siblings, Caden, Carson, Caleb, Carley, Cara; grandparents, Gregg and Dixie Inman, West Paris, Cheryl Coffman, Buckfield, Rick Coffman, Livermore; great-grandparent, Milton Inman, Greenwood.

Jonas Denzel Ryerson Jr., a boy to Jonas Ryerson and Haley Wallingford of Lewiston, June 24. Sibling, Alixx; grandparents, Monica Wakefield, Auburn, Crystal Eirby, Auburn, Wilfred Morrissette, New Gloucester; great-grandparent, Penny Craig, Auburn.


Abel Michael Dillan Viles, a boy to Courtney Osgood and Travis Viles of Strong, July 3. Sibling, Axl; grandparents, Alicia Sheperd, Wilton, Daphne Lightbody, Strong, Nicholas and Sharon Shink, Livermore; great-grandparents, Jim and Janet Wetherell, Livermore Falls, Michael and Rispan Huff, Strong.

Oaklynn Hegarty, a girl to Lauren Rose and Timothy Hegarty of Lewiston, June 30. Grandparents, Tammy Rose, Auburn, Allen Rose, Sabattus.

Luke Llewellyn Johnson, a boy to Sarah Gillespie and Adam Johnson of Lewiston, July 7. Grandparents, Linda and John Gillespie, Stockbridge, Mass., Sally and Ben Johnson, Scarborough.

Easton Patrick Howard, a boy to Cierra St. Amand and Corey Howard of Lewiston, July 12. Grandparents, Brenda St. Amand, Lewiston, Donna and Patrick Howard, Bethel; great-grandparents, Jeannette and Roland St. Amand, Sabattus, Peter Trudell, Sabattus, Shirley and Robert Dorey, Andover, Glenda Flynn, Bethel.

Delilah Ryan Dery, a girl to Brooke Beganny and Tyler Dery of Auburn, July 14.

Wesley James Hertzler, a boy to Jordan and Dianah Hertzler of Auburn, July 16. Sibling, Willem; grandparents, James and Debra Hertzler, Elverson, Pa., Earl and Rebecca Nussbum, Denver, Pa.; great-grandparents, Truman and Virginia Hertzler, Elverson, Pa., Shirley Renno, Elverson, Pa.


Allison Virginia Gammon, a girl to Faith Worthley and Trevor Gammon of Lewiston, July 9. Sibling, Kolton; grandparents, Jamie and Melindy Worthley, Sumner, Chad and Tiffani Gammon, Sumner; great-grandparents, Deborah Harnden, Mexico, Michael Worthley, Roxbury, Dale and Julie Gammon, Sumner.

Kaylee Magnolia Dion, a girl to Danielle Floof and Joey Dion of Lewiston, July 14. Siblings, Amelia, Violett; grandparents, Diana and Kevin Corbin, Augusta, Karen Thomas, Gardiner; great-grandparents, John Dion and Laurie McKenzie, Londonberry, N.H.

Hallie Carmen Leet, a girl to Kelsye Smith and Ryan Leet of Turner, July 13. Siblings, Dominic, Kamryn; grandparents, Ken and Andrea Smith, Maine, Tara Gallagher and Gerry Castonguay, Maine, Tim Gallagher, Maine; great-grandparents, Russell and Georgia Leet, Litchfield.

Phoebe Sue-Marie Desmarais, a girl to Jenny and Troy Desmarais of Litchfield, July 24. Siblings, Bennett, Paige, Piper; grandparents, Robert and Sue Cote, Lewiston, Linda Blair, Litchfield; great-grandparent, Florence Lajoie, Winter Haven, Fla.

Anastasia Mae Parker, a girl to Zoey Pepin and Ronald Parker III of Lewiston, July 27. Aimee Porter, Stephanie Parker, New Gloucester, Ronald Parker Jr., New Gloucester.  

Ellie Frances Craig, a girl to Jeffrey and Samantha Craig of Lisbon Falls, July 26. Sibling, Gage; grandparents, Ronnie and Donna Mitchell, Bath, Stan and Sandy Craig, Lisbon Falls, Lisa Estabrook, Litchfield, Barry Estabrook and Sharon Grivois, Litchfield; great-grandparents, Vaughn and Margaret Estabrook, Litchfield.


Augustus Scott Saunders, a boy to Keith and Samantha Saunders of Lewiston, July 5. Sibling, Ruby; grandparents, Kathy and Eric Saunders, Sabattus, Scott and Gayle Montana, Lewiston.

Paisley Mason, a girl to Ashley Belanger and Paul Mason III of Sabattus, July 30. Sibling, Kingston; grandparents, Melissa Greenlaw, Lisbon, Steven Belanger, Lisbon, Paul Mason Jr. and Kimberly Mason, Lisbon Falls; great-grandparents, Olivia Mason, Lisbon Falls, Catherine Sautter, Lisbon Falls.

Nova Marie Durost, a girl to Catherine and David Durost Jr. of Hartford, Aug. 5. Sibling, Haven Audet; grandparents, Tom and Judy Audet, Leeds, Jim and Janet Linscott, Windham, David Durost Sr., Portland; great-grandparent, Theresa Durost, Portland.

Jaxen Jett Deschaine, a boy to Cameron Deschaine and Rebecca Stacey-Outten of Lewiston, Aug. 5.  Grandparents, Kimberly Dionne and Kevin Deschaine, Sharon Stacey; great-grandparents, Pamela and Charles Stacey, Marcelle and Harold Deschaine.

Kamryn Jade Morency, a girl to Celeste Mallett and Coleman Morency of Wales, Aug. 3. Siblings, Nathaniel, Bradley, Mikey; grandparents, Lynnette and Marc Morency, Lewiston, Suzanne and Glen Mallett, Gardiner.

Anden Lee Murphy, a boy to Joshua and Mallory Murphy, Aug. 2. Grandparents, John and  Jaye Murphy, Leeds, Thomas and Pamela Child, Dixfield; great-grandparents, Dorothy Bradley, Mexico, Vance Child, Dixfield.

Corvin John Robert Tracy, a boy to Ariel Hunter and Robert Tracy of Livermore, May 11. Grandparents, James Hunter, Bath, Lori Marchetti, Farmington, Anne and Jamie Rackliffe, Chesterville, Russell and Pamela Tracy, Canton; great-grandparents, Louise Hinkley, Chesterville, Marie Hunter, Waterville.

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