WILTON — Code Enforcement Officer Charles Lavin reported on several issues at the Board of Selectpersons meeting Tuesday night.

Lavin stated a property owner on Thompson Street had received a 30-day notice to clean up their property. This came after someone at a neighboring residence reported rat activity, he said.

“I am just informing the selectboard that I sent the notice,” stated Lavin.

If cleanup is not addressed by the end of the 30-day period, Lavin said he would follow the Property Maintenance Ordinance to continue enforcement.

A Public Hearing for Junkyard Permit renewals will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 18. Three permit renewals will be considered: Collins Enterprises Inc., 445 Route 2 East; Michael Stickney, 54 Birch St.; and Haggan Enterprises, Wilkins Avenue.

Lavin also announced three applicants for two Planning Board vacancies, one full member and one alternate. Janice Sabin, Bill McCrillis and Maxine Collins have expressed interest in the vacancies, he said.


“Maxine has experience on the Planning Board and she is currently on the Appeals Board. I would like to keep her there because she balances the Appeals Board out pretty well,” stated Lavin.

The selectboard appointed Sabin as a full member and McCrillis as an alternate to the Planning Board. The selectboard also gave Lavin the flexibility to move the appointees into alternating positions, if needed.

Town Manager Rhonda Irish stated the fire truck committee had met and opened bids for a utility body. The committee has been researching pricing for both an aluminum and steel service body with either roll-up or pull-open door styles. This was for the body only, not an entire truck, she noted.

“The results are being put into a spreadsheet. The committee will review the bids on Sept. 17 and hopefully be able to make a recommendation to bring back to the board,” Irish stated.

Irish also reported Household Hazardous Waste Day would be held on Saturday, Sept. 8 at the Wilton Transfer Station 9 a.m. – noon. Residents from the towns of Wilton, Farmington and Weld can dispose of hazardous materials such as bug and weed killer, drain cleaner, and pool and hot tub chemicals during the collection event.


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