LIVERMORE FALLS — Residents voted Thursday to approve two budget articles that failed at the polls on June 12. They include money for wages, selectmen stipends, office supplies and legal services.

Ron Aseltine moderated the town meeting, which was attended by 22 voters.

Resident and former Selectman Tom Barker asked that the votes be conducted by secret ballot, but no one raised their hand to do so.

Voters approved raising and appropriating $39,153, which includes $25,000 for the assessing agent contract and $10,500 for stipends for selectmen/assessors. 

It was the same amount proposed in June by a vote of 267-243. It’s $10,000 more than last year because stipends were increased to $2,100 for each of the five selectmen. It was $100 each in 2017-18 and $1 each in 2016-17. In prior years it was $2,100 each.

Voters also approved raising and appropriating $280,891 for the administration article. It includes $60,600 for salaries, the same as last year; $66,624 for wages, which is $1,226 less than last year; and $45,627 for benefits, also the same as last year.

After the original article for $283,291 failed by a vote of 262-248, selectmen cut $1,000 from legal services, $1,000 from postage and $400 from supplies.

The 2018-19 town budget is $2.5 million, $144,514 more than last year.

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