Larry Blouin, right, of Lewiston and his daughter, Michelle Ide, of Gray react Monday after winning a water balloon toss competition against Roger Pelletier, left, of Lewiston and Jim Crawford of Buckfield behind the Lewiston Armory. Members of the Lewiston Senior Citizens took part in Senior Fun Day, an event that welcomes back members after having the summer off. Lewiston Senior Citizens is composed of people who are 50 or older and from many communities. The group offers activities every weekday at the armory, and trips to such places as the White Mountains in New Hampshire, Dutch Country in Pennsylvania and museums in Cincinnati. Blouin and his late wife, Connie, were active members in the group before Connie died July 26. Ide brought her father to the celebration. “She is a big part of me that is gone,” Blouin said about Connie, his wife of 46 years.  (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

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