POLAND — The Poland Spring Preservation Society will present a talk titled “The Rickers of Poland Spring and the Shakers of Sabbathday Lake” at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 8.
It will be held at All Souls Chapel, 37 Preservation Way.
The illustrated talk will tell the story of a collaboration that began in the late 1700s and continues today. The association is between America’s longest lived religious communal society and one of the country’s most noted resort/entrepreneurial families. Information will be presented on what created this seemingly unlikely association and what helped sustain it all in rural Maine and for over 200 years.
Suggested donation is $5 and will benefit the Poland Spring Preservation Society. Water and cookies will be provided.
For more information go to: polandspringmuseums.org, call 207-998-4142 or email contact@polandspringmuseums.org.
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