Strangers are getting married on television AND they are buying Bag Lady frozen coffee!

Probably not the same strangers, but what if they are? That, my shopping friends, would be magical.

Either way, given that and discovering there is such a thing as the Jumping Frenchmen of Maine disorder, it has been a heck of a week.

You need to know immediately about Jumping Frenchmen of Maine, right?

I did, too!

To back up slightly, after a terribly long wait, one of Bag Lady’s favorite shows, “Trial & Error,” returned to NBC this week. It is a murder mystery mockumentary set in the backwater town of East Peck, South Carolina.


There is a different crime each season, and this time, a wealthy debutante is discovered with her husband’s body in the trunk of her car. If you like anything Christopher Guest (“Best in Show,” “Waiting for Guffman”), this is totally for you.

If you don’t, congratulations! Because you have something in common with Mr. Bag Lady, who just shakes his head. A lot. But I digress.

The debutante’s lawyer and investigative team, based out of a taxidermy office, includes a receptionist (Sherri Shepherd) who exhibits a new, rare, actually-exists condition each week. Last week: Jumping Frenchmen of Maine disorder, which had her startling and jumping so high she hit her head on the ceiling.

According to the National Organization of Rare Disorders, its cause is unknown and it is not isolated to jumping. There can be swearing, screaming and flailing: “Originally, jumping Frenchmen of Maine was identified in the Moosehead Lake region of Maine among French Canadian lumberjacks. In the reported cases, it affected men more often than women. The disorder seems to have been common in the lumber camps of the region during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.”


Speaking of startlingly good


One of Bag Lady and Shopping Siren’s favorite shows, Lifetime’s “Married at First Sight,” is back.

This time, the participants, who will more likely than not divorce and toss their wedding albums into a backyard fire pit, live in Dallas.

Last fall, during the Boston season, we called it all wrong. The couple we predicted would implode first turned out to legitimately like each other the most. Yay for love and being wrong.

This season, there are red flags aplenty, including one participant arrested on a warrant for stalking and credit card fraud as she was about to leave on her honeymoon, who claimed after two days of detention that it was a case of mistaken identity. Nope, nope, nope. Don’t believe her and now can’t wait to tune in next week. …

It is a gutsy move to marry a stranger sight-unseen and put the next eight weeks of your lives on TV. Intrigued? Single? Feel like you could grow to really despise someone while entertaining the masses?

They are casting now for the next season in the Philadelphia area. …


And speaking of strangers

Twice in the past week, strangers ahead of me in the drive-through at the Minot Avenue Dunkin’ Donuts have paid for my frozen coffee in a spontaneous goodwill chain where you pay for the driver behind you. It is such a nice, humanity-can-be-awesome boost. So thank you, fellow Dunkin’ nuts!

Given the past two weeks we have had, we all could use a little more awesome. 

Bag Lady’s true identity is protected by a pair of stylish, sweater-wearing Doberman pinschers (who are ready for October already) and the customer service counter at the Sun Journal. You can reach her at 

Random act of kindness? Check. Bag Lady has twice this week had the driver in front of her pay for her frozen coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts. (Online image)

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