Republicans complained Obama was not leading in world affairs. Trump says America is back and respected again under his presidency, but that’s not true.

Under Trump’s guidance America has given up its standing and leadership role in the world. Is America becoming a rogue regime? Our allies are being treated like enemies. Our enemies are being treated like allies. America has withdrawn from and broken international agreements.

When you don’t participate and can’t be trusted you have no voice, no power and no leadership role. By withdrawing from the Paris Climate Agreement, the Iran Nuclear Deal, alienating members of NATO and the G7, America is no longer leading. America can no longer mediate peace between Israel and Palestine.

Tariffs are taxes that increase the price consumers pay for imports and increase the cost of exports while damaging relations with our allies. Not filling ambassadorships around the world weakens America’s voice. While incarcerating immigrant children, America withdrew from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

With no restraints what group of people will be incarcerated next?

Does America First mean an isolated, heartless, powerless country despised by the world and run by thugs?

White supremacist ideology is infesting America with hate, corruption and intolerance spurred on by Trump’s racism. Propaganda, like a rabid fox, is contaminating and brainwashing America with false information and twisted truth.

With America abdicating its position of strength and its leadership role in the world, who will fill the void? Maybe Russia, China or Germany.

Deanne Danforth, Turner

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