WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump on Friday told his fellow Republicans in Congress to “stop wasting their time” on immigration legislation until after November, dismissing his party’s struggle to surmount internal divisions.

Trump’s tweets come just days after he insisted Congress act to resolve the problems at the U.S.-Mexico border. But stubborn differences between conservative and more moderate Republicans in the House have stalled immigration legislation on Capitol Hill, with a vote on a compromise measure delayed until next week.

Trump said Friday that even if a measure passes, it’s doomed in the Senate.

“Republicans should stop wasting their time on Immigration until after we elect more Senators and Congressmen/women in November,” he tweeted. “Dems are just playing games, have no intention of doing anything to solves this decades old problem. We can pass great legislation after the Red Wave!”

Trump’s comments come as GOP leadership had been hoping Trump could help sell the immigration legislation to wary members. The last ditch effort on immigration ahead of the midterm elections was meant to help vulnerable Republicans this fall. Trump himself travelled to Capitol Hill Tuesday to make the case that Congress should pass either of two bills that have been under consideration.

A measure backed by conservative lawmakers failed Thursday. Hours later Republican leaders postponed final voting on what was billed as a compromise immigration package until next week as negotiators made a last-ditch push for support.


GOP leaders trying to persuade colleagues to seize the moment and tackle immigration problems by approving the bill, which includes $25 billion for Trump’s border wall and a path to citizenship for young immigrants who have lived in the U.S. illegally since childhood.

Calling Democrats “obstructionists” and accusing them of not caring about border security, Trump tweeted Friday that voters need to elect more Republicans.

“Even if we get 100% Republican votes in the Senate, we need 10 Democrat votes to get a much needed Immigration Bill,” Trump said.

Despite the president’s prediction of a “Red wave” this fall, Republicans are facing an uphill battle this November as they seek to hold onto control of the House and Senate. Headwinds from the controversy-embracing president and a wave of retirements in the House have put the GOP majority at severe risk.

Democrats face a more challenging map to retaking control in the Senate, with the GOP eyeing pick-ups of seats in states Trump carried in 2016.

Demonstrators with the Poor People’s Campaign await processing by U.S. Capitol Police after being peacefully arrested at the Capitol in Washington, Thursday, June 21, 2018, where they protested the Trump administration and Congress’ policies towards immigrant children and families and the poor. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

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