CANTON — Townspeople will see property taxes go down for the fourth consecutive year, thanks to the Canton Mountain Wind power project.

Board of Selectmen Chairman Brian Keene said Thursday night that even though the 2018-19 proposed budget of $1.04 million is $194,797 more than last year, taxes from the $50 million, eight-turbine wind farm mean property taxes will drop.

“Overall, our personal property tax numbers have gone up $41 million and change,” Keene said, which “allows us to increase our budget and still drop the tax rate.”

Selectman Don Hutchins said Canton Mountain Wind is a “huge windfall of money, and this is one of the ways to help catch up and pay off some debt.”

The board talked about how to pay off the $38,483 owed for a plow truck purchased this year. Keene said selectmen will present two options to voters at the June 14 town meeting. One is to continue with the payment plan; the other is to pay off the truck this year to save interest.

Canton town office sign.

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