Buckfield Board of Selectmen

June 5, 2018

Buckfield Municipal Center


What happened: Chairwoman Maida DeMers-Dobson and Vice Chairwoman Cheryl Coffman accepted Selectman Del Dunn’s resignation from the board with “many, many, many regrets.”

What it means: In his resignation letter, Dunn apologized to the citizens of Buckfield for resigning because of a conflict in his work schedule. He noted that he would return to town politics at a later date.


What’s next: Nomination papers for the shortened election process will become available Thursday, June 7, and are due Thursday, June 21. The special election will be held Tuesday, July 24.         

Food sovereignty

What happened: Town Manager Joe Roach invited Richard King of Liberty to talk about the proposed food ordinance on the annual town meeting warrant, which has been adopted by 35 Maine municipalities.

What it means: “Basically what the food ordinance does is allow for face to face (sales from) producer to consumer for food products that are produced locally. That can be raw milk, that can be meat pies. You are allowed to make it and sell it directly to them,” King said. “There are no enforcement requirements by the town and no liability to the town. You are covered by state law.” Meat and poultry aren’t allowed for sale under the ordinance or the Maine Food Sovereignty Act because they’re regulated by the USDA.

What’s next: Buckfield voters will weigh in on the ordinance at the annual town meeting, 9 a.m. Saturday, June 16, at Buckfield High School, 160 Morrill St. 

Noise complaint


What happened: Roach received a written noise complaint about music at the Buck-It Grill & Pub and selectmen set a public hearing on the noise complaint.

What it means: Neighbor Richard Jeselskis, who made noise complaints in the past about a former establishment at the same Turner Street location, wrote that the music “is too loud and too late into the evening which keeps me awake and threatens my business of home rentals as the tenants have also complained to me about the loud noise.” He asked that the music be turned down and turned off by 11 p.m.

What’s next: The public hearing will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday, June 19.

Parking ban

What happened: Selectmen voted to ban parking on Cross Road across from the recreational fields for the remainder of the summer sports season, barring any state laws on parking bans.

What it means: Roach is concerned about people parking on both sides of the narrow road and the need for emergency service vehicles being able to get through.

What’s next: The Public Works crew will put up no parking and additional parking signs.

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