Lisbon and Sabattus are looking for input on their stormwater survey, developed by Bates College students, on how well they have achieved getting this information out to the public. It is open to any resident of Lisbon and Sabattus and can be found online at

Maine Department of Environmental Protection is the issuing agency for the Maine Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (MEPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s) general permit. This permit is for the direct discharge of stormwater from small MS4s to surface waters of the State of Maine. Discharges from regulated small MS4s must meet these permit requirements.

There are 30 municipalities that are issued one of these permits on a five-year basis. Lisbon and Sabattus are two of them. Part of meeting the general permit requirements is having a strong education and outreach plan. The goal is to inform residents that there are many lawn care methods that can have a positive effect on our waters by decreasing stormwater runoff pollution.

The Best Management Practices recommended by municipalities are to mow high; let the clippings lie; reduce/eliminate fertilizer use; reduce herbicide use; reduce pesticide use; and water wisely.

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