JAY — Selectpersons and Budget Committee members are recommending a “yes” vote on a revised professional services article to go to voters on June 12.

The polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. 

Three amended ordinances will also go to vote that day.

The board and budget panel cut $20,000 from the initial $201,215 professional services article that failed by a vote of 261-213 at the polls in April. It was the only article in a $6.5 million budget that failed.

Professional services include:

• Legal: $40,000


• Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments: $11,800

• Maine Municipal Association: $8,800

• Industrial valuation: $25,000

• Chamber of Commerce: $60

• Auditor: $13,000

• Assessing services: $32,000


• Assessing expenses: $700

• Plumbing inspector, animal control: $9,155

• Animal welfare: $10,200

• Grave care: $500

• Valuation reserve: $30,000.

Selectpersons reduced the valuation reserve line from its initial $50,000 to $30,000.


Voters will also be asked to consider an amended Shoreland Zoning Ordinance, Recycling and Waste Disposal Ordinance, and Sewer Use Ordinance. 

The Shoreland Zoning Ordinance has been updated to meet state law. Among the changes is adding Parker Pond to a Resource Protection District. It is mapped as resource protection but lacks wording to meet the criteria in the ordinance.

The Planning Board added written information that will include Parker Pond in resource protection classification because it is a drinking water source.

An amended Recycling and Waste Disposal Ordinance includes several recommended changes. Among them are prohibiting town curbside collection service to regional school units; medical facilities; hotels, motels, bed and breakfast facilities; markets, bakeries, grocery stores; and manufacturers or industrial facilities. 

A revised Sewer Use Ordinance includes changes that turns some practices into policy, some wording changes and adding paragraphs on billing and abatement processes.


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