BUCKFIELD — The valedictorian and salutatorian for Buckfield Junior-Senior High School’s Class of 2018 both plan to become health care providers.

Valedictorian Seneca Jacobs of Buckfield is planning to study nursing this fall at Central Maine Community College in Auburn, while Salutatorian Madison Porter of Sumner plans to attend Husson University in Bangor to study physical therapy.

“With nursing, you can always help people and it’s just a real challenging field so I thought it would be great for me,” Jacobs, the daughter of Tonia and Eric Jacobs, said.

“I think a lot of my upbringing has helped me with helping people because my parents like to help people,” said Seneca, who tutors other students.

She also was a school board student representative this year.

“The school security (issues) were really large this year,” she said. “Everybody was kind of wondering what was going on about it and what we were going to do to change our school security so I was able to kind of ease people’s minds and tell them (what) we were working on.”


Jacobs the captain of the girls’ basketball team this year and is a member of the National Honor Society and Student Council.

Porter, daughter of Julie and Timothy Porter, was been a gymnast for 13 years and coached students at Andy Valley Gymnastics in Auburn.

“When I was younger, my parents said I used to do rolls on the couch so they just got me into it,” she said.

She was involved in the school’s Civil Rights Club, the Math team, the National Honor Society and the yearbook staff. Her favorite classes were math and agricultural engineering, she said.

The high school graduation is at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 9, at the school.


Salutatorian Madison Porter of Sumner, left, and Valedictorian Seneca Jacobs, both members of the Class of 2018 at Buckfield Junior-Senior High School, plan careers in the health care field. (Marianne Hutchinson/Rumford Falls Times)

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