Paris Board of Selectmen

May 15, 2018

Paris Town Office


Paving approved
What happened:
Selectmen approved funding for the town’s portion of a paving project on Stearns Hill Road, according to the draft meeting minutes.
What it means:
The project is being conducted in conjunction with West Paris and began last year. The town of Paris will pay $7,589 for chip sealing to All States Asphalt.

Town meeting warrant


What happened: Selectmen signed the town meeting warrant for fiscal 2019.
What it means:
Annual Town Meeting will get underway at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 16, at the Paris Fire Station, 137 Western Ave. In addition to the proposed budget, voters will weigh in on a proposed Retail Marijuana Ordinance and amended Recall Ordinance. The latter, if approved, would include the ability of voters to recall any elected town official, as currently it excludes SAD 17 directors.

Age Friendly Community
What happened:
Town Manager Vic Hodgkins announced that the town’s AARP Age Friendly Community Plan was approved, thanks to attorney Sarah Glynn, who spearheaded the project.
What it means:
The plan – which designates Paris as an Age Friendly Community – is to help seniors age in their homes. The project is a partnership between AARP and the World Health Organization. “What is singularly amazing (in my view) is that there has been so much improvement in the town of Paris by and through a number of groups and individuals, each wanted to improve the community,” Glynn said in an email. “The biggest issue that came out from our survey was that seniors need lower taxes to be able to stay in Paris.”

What’s next: “The ‘next step’ would be to establish a cohesive town committee to track these progress, identify gaps in services, and develop a plan going forward to meet the needs of our seniors,” Glynn said.

Scouts donation
What happened:
Selectmen accepted a donation for Moore Park from Tiger Cub Scouts Troop 130.
What it means:
As part of a service project, the Scouts want to donate a waterproof chest and fill it with lawn toys for Moore Park for children to play with.

What’s next: The plan is to replenish the toy supply every year and Recreation Director Shannon Moxcey will oversee the donation.

Quitclaim deed
What happened:
Selectmen issued a quitclaim deed to sell a foreclosed property back to its owner.
What it means:
The deed is for Roger Poulin of Cairns Farm Road. All back taxes, fees and interest have been paid.


Town Office closure
What happened:
Selectmen voted to close the Town Office early on Friday, June 29.
What it means:
This is so office staff can finish up the bookkeeping for the end of the fiscal year.

What’s next: The Town Office will also be closed from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 12, after the new Trio SQL software upgrade goes live.

Liquor licenses
What happened:
Selectmen approved liquor licenses and special amusement permits renewals.
What it means:
They are for the Celebration Barn Theater and Crazy Eights Inc. The businesses can serve alcohol for a year and host live entertainment. Selectman Scott Buffington abstained from voting on the license and permit for Crazy Eights since he owns the establishment.

Lights tabled
What happened:
Selectmen voted to table taking further action on the project to replace the lights at the Fire Station until more information could be obtained.

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