The River Valley Grill restaurant on Route 2 in Rumford Center abruptly closed this week, stunning employees who showed up for work Monday morning. (Courtesy photo via Facebook)

RUMFORD — Employees of the River Valley Grill restaurant on Route 2 were greeted Monday morning with a sign on the door that read: “This restaurant is now closed! Had enough of the bull—-!! (sorry)”.

Owners Bob and Kathi Knowles declined to comment on the reason for the abrupt closing.

“An employee who was supposed to open the restaurant that morning called me really upset, saying they shut the doors,” said a former employee, who wished to remain anonymous.

For some, the restaurant was their main source of income.

“I just find it very disheartening that they would just up and close with no warning,” said another, who also declined to give her name.

Beverly Cournoyer of Rumford said she’d worked there over a year.


“I treated that place like it was my own,” she said. “For me, it was my livelihood.”

Rumford Code Enforcement Officer Richard Coulombe said he inspected the establishment about a week before the May 17 selectmen meeting at which the Knowles’ liquor and victualer licenses were approved, and said everything checked out fine.

Along with concern for themselves and their sudden lack of employment, the three former staff members expressed concern for the many patrons of the restaurant.

“They had a lot of loyal customers who are very upset,” a former employee said. “My phone has been ringing off the hook with people asking what’s wrong. Everybody’s talking about it. And with that sign, customers might think it’s their fault, plus I’m out a job overnight.”

According to the Cournoyer, the Knowles’ lease for the building in Rumford Center is up in August.

The couple opened the restaurant in 2004 on Exchange Street in Rumford, and moved to Route 2 in 2014.

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