SALEM TOWNSHIP — Mt. Abram High School track and field athletes are well on their way to rebuilding their overgrown grass and dirt training area into a modern track, Regional School Unit 58 directors were told Thursday night.

Principal Shelly Tranten asked directors last month to approve developing a stone-dust running track and improve the shot put area. Students planned to raise the money for the $8,000 project.

At Thursday’s board meeting, student Alice Cockerham, a member of the board, said they were $2,000 short of the goal.

The dirt track is overgrown with grass, and the track team can’t host state meets until it’s improved. When the track is finished, the school will be able to host meets instead of traveling to other schools’ facilities.

In other business, Superintendent Susan Pratt reminded directors and the audience of the district budget meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, May 29, at Mt. Abram High School. Residents of Kingfield, Strong, Avon and Phillips will have the opportunity to discuss and vote on the 2018-19 spending plan.

The board recognized Bonney Kinney, a Title 1 interventionist at Kingfield Elementary School, as the district’s Employee of the Month. She was lauded for her skills, ability to manage difficult situations and sense of humor.


Students who recently went to Costa Rica shared their experiences working with endangered leatherback sea turtles and mangrove restoration. Each year students spend a week learning about the tropical environment’s flora and fauna.

“The more experiences we provide these kids in their youth shapes who they will become,” coach Jim Danala said.

He presented plans for 20 students to go to Moose River this summer. They will start at Holeb Pond in Holeb Township southwest of Jackman and learn essential paddling skills before striking into the wilderness.

Danala, Lani Roy and Mark Keller lead students on challenging outdoor adventures each summer.

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