Jonathan Fulford prides himself in being a builder, activist and, most importantly, a good listener. Fulford is running a progressive campaign that will bring good-paying jobs and young people back to Maine. His commitment to never taking corporate money ensures that he will always be loyal to voters and never Wall Street or wealthy donors.

As a student at Bates College, I have seen Fulford’s authenticity mobilize and excite young people like myself in a way that I haven’t seen since the 2016 election. That is the sort of excitement that supporters need to tap into to win in 2018.

This June, Democrats have the opportunity to send a hardworking problem-solver and grassroots powerhouse to take on Bruce Poliquin. Jonathan Fulford has clearly proven to be the most viable, authentic and obvious candidate to send Poliquin into retirement this November. I can’t wait to cast my vote.

Ryan Lizanecz, Lewiston

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