I am shocked to hear that Emera Maine rates may be going up … again. That is an outrageous request from Maine’s second-largest electric utility company. It already received a tax cut from taxpayers just this year and now it wants more from its customers.

Many older Mainers are barely getting by, and a rate increase of 4.5 percent — which is what Emera wants — is unfair, especially in rural communities. That could mean the difference between people being able to afford to keep the lights on and being left in the dark.

Emera Maine customers have the opportunity to speak up, and I hope they will attend the public hearing on May 1 at the University of Maine in Orono. That is the public hearing date that has been set by the Public Utilities Commission. It is so important for Emera customers to attend and tell the PUC to deny Emera’s request for this heartless rate hike.

Emera Maine cannot be allowed to succeed in gouging its customers again and again.

Liv Toftner, Mount Vernon

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