JAY — Residents voted Tuesday to elect former Selectperson Thomas Goding over incumbent Keith Cornelio to a three-year term by a vote of 281-166.

They also voted to re-elect two Regional School Unit 73 directors in a three-way race. Michael Morrell received 273 votes and Joel Pike received 320 votes to each win a three-year term to the board. Former Director Michael Schaedler lost his bid for election with 102 votes.

Voters approved all but one article in a proposed $6.18 million municipal spending plan for 2018-19.

The Professional Services article for $201,215 was rejected by a 213-261 vote, Town Manager Shiloh LaFreniere said.

The article, which the Budget Committee recommended a no vote on, includes money for legal fees, assessing, auditor, industrial revaluation, animal control,  Androscoggin Valley Council of Governments and the Jay, Livermore, Livermore Falls Chamber of Commerce.

Selectpersons had previously voted 3-2 to support the article while the Budget Committee voted 5-6 to oppose it. Both recommendations appeared on the ballot.


The article will need to be brought back for another vote, LaFreniere said. She and Town Clerk Ronda Palmer will look at dates on Wednesday to determine if there is time to take it to vote for primary election on June 12,  she said.

Prior to the vote, the budget proposal was $55,972 more than this fiscal year, which ends June 30. After factoring in anticipated revenues of nearly $1.77 million, the net budget represents a decrease of $79,528 from last year that residents would have to raise to support municipal government.

The amount also includes the final $1.33 million payment to Verso Corp. to settle a tax dispute regarding overvaluation of the Androscoggin paper mill and associated equipment.

The package included $123,000 to continue curbside trash and recyclables pickup with contractor Archie’s Inc. of Mexico for another year, which voters approved.

Voters also agreed to use money in the Recreation Reserve Account to pay $12,000 for summer recreation, $11,300 for Spruce Mounatain Ski Slope insurance, $2,000 for July 4 fireworks and $2,750 for Area Youth Sports insurance.

Selectperson Terry Bergeron who was running unopposed for election received 420 votes.


George Merrill and Roger Couture were re-elected to the Jay Village Water District and North Jay Water District, respectively.


Ballot clerks work at the polls in Jay on Tuesday morning. From left are Marie Anne Mancine, Karen Gilbert, Barbara Cook, Elaine Romano and Lillian Wight. (Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal)

Jean Gilbert prepares to register new voters at the Jay Community Building on Tuesday morning. Voters were asked to consider a proposed $6.18 million municipal budget, validate a proposed $18.8 million Regional School Unit 73 budget, and elect town, school and water district officials. (Donna M. Perry/Sun Journal)

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