RANGELEY — The Rangeley Tavern has been entered in the National Register of Historic Places, according to Kirk F. Mohney, director of the Maine Historic Preservation Commission. This designation indicates that the property has been documented, evaluated and considered worthy of preservation and protection as part of the nation’s cultural heritage.

The Rangeley Tavern was constructed in 1908 on the site of an earlier hotel, which was moved in 1895. Designed by the Maine architectural firm of Miller and Mayo, the three-story Colonial Revival style building with wraparound porch overshadowed a small two-story section of the earlier hotel that remained on the site and was incorporated into the tavern.

The Rangeley Lakes region was and remains a tourist destination centered on outdoor pursuits, particularly fishing. The Rangeley Tavern is significant under Criteria A for entertainment/recreation for its association with north woods Maine tourism.

The 1908 building was designed as a complete unit ready to meet the tourist needs of its day. The main block retains the distinctive original porch, cornice and fenestration patterns, but just as many other hotels of the region, the tavern adapted to meet increased tourist volumes and their changing needs.

The added and altered winds and the 1958 Haley Pond motor lodge visibly reflect the property’s adaptation to tourism while retaining the original design and elegance of the main block.

The period of significance extends from 1908, when the tavern was built, until 1968, which represents 50 years prior to present. Although the addition of the wings has changed the appearance of the building, the property conveys both its original hotel design and adaptations to meet changing developments in tourism. The property retains high levels of all aspects of integrity. While there is some loss of materials and workmanship in secondary spaces, public spaces retain a high degree of all seven aspects of integrity.

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