Just a couple of weeks ago, President Trump indicated that he had a strong desire to get the United States out of Syria as soon as possible. About a week later, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who is supported by Russia, decided to launch an alleged chemical weapons attack on opponents (according to “fake” news).

Does anyone see anything suspicious about that? Could it be that the Russians and their allies in that region were upset about having U.S. precision-guided weaponry out of the way?

America is being played.

There is a civil war going on in Syria and there are plenty of bad guys to go around. As far as that goes, there are several parties over there who are happy to have the U.S. fight their battles for them. A miscalculation there could have cataclysmic consequences for civilization.

I hope that, someday, America walks away from the Middle East and comes home to take care of things here for a while. The U.S. has done all it can for that area. Declare victory and get out of there, before it is too late.

Andy Bennett, Buckfield

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