When tracing the history of successful people, it’s amazing how many started by delivering newspapers.

That is how Janet Mills, who is running for Governor, learned her work ethic and about caring for fellow Mainers.

Mills attended law school and became an attorney. Later, she ran for district attorney for the Androscoggin, Oxford and Franklin counties, which she won, breaking the glass ceiling by becoming the first woman district attorney in New England. She also served four terms in the Maine Legislature.

In 2009, I had the honor of being at the swearing-in ceremony in Augusta when she became the first woman to serve as Maine’s Attorney General.

Mills has common sense plans to expand health care, protect the environment, strengthen the economy and create jobs.

She is the only Democratic candidate who has the experience to be Maine’s governor on Day 1.

In the June 12 primary, I support Democrat Janet Mills.

Diane Grandmaison, Lewiston

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