Auburn Middle School eighth-grader Adam Runnels, 13, sings while his Odyssey of the Mind team works to solve the problem, “Mockumentary! Seriously?” during OM practice after school on Thursday. The team of AMS and Edward Little High School students is one of two that will compete in the state finals at Biddeford High School on Saturday. From left are Carl Woodhead as a “Lost Boy,” Tristan Brezovsky as another “Lost Boy,” Runnels as “Tinker Bell” and Emily Farrington as the “interviewer.” The state meet will determine whether the two OM teams from Auburn qualify for the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals at Iowa State University in May. Students have been raising money for travel and accommodations, OM coach Jim Rowe said. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Edward Little High School sophomore Emily Farrington, 16, interviews freshman Thomas “Captain Cook” Brann as their Odyssey of the Mind team works to solve the problem, “Mockumentary! Seriously?” during OM practice at Auburn Middle School on Thursday. The team of EL and AMS students is one of two that will compete during the state finals at Biddeford High School on Saturday. The state meet will determine whether the two OM teams from Auburn qualify for the Odyssey of the Mind World Finals at Iowa State University in May. Students have been raising money for travel and accommodations, OM coach Jim Rowe said. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

Auburn Middle School eighth-grader Adam Runnels, 13, keeps Edward Little High School freshman Josh “Peter Pan” Brobst from drinking the poison while their Odyssey of the Mind team works to solve the problem, “Mockumentary! Seriously?” during OM practice at Auburn Middle School on Thursday. (Daryn Slover/Sun Journal)

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