WILTON — The Board of Selectpersons on Tuesday approved a bid for roadwork on Main Street and purchases for equipment for the East Wilton playground.

Public Works Foreman Dale Roberts attended the meeting to ask for the board’s approval to repaint the parking spots along Main Street, from Food City to the bridge and back to the Post Office on the other side.

Lucas Striping of Sydney estimated $500 to paint the 50 to 70 spots lining Main Street with reflective paint containing glass beads. The board voted to take the bid, and approved removing one parking spot in front of Food City because of poor visibility.

Town Manager Rhonda Irish said the spot could likely be replaced somewhere between Food City and School Street.

The project will be paid for from a downtown grant, which Irish said still has about $3,400. The remaining money will be used for a few benches. Roberts said he anticipates the project will begin in May.

Frank Donald, director of the Recreation Department, presented purchase proposals to the board for new playground equipment. The board voted to move forward with buying a climbing structure, a double slide and new swings for $22,000 and to pay $600 for the installation.


Donald said the plan is to remove the existing slide, the teeter-totters and the old swings.

He said upgrades to Kineowatha Park, which include a 4-foot-high chain-link fence and playground-certified wood chips would cost $14,000.

The board also accepted the proposal of Diversified Drafting of Mount Vernon to draft the design of the new recreation office building for $2,500. Half will be paid up front and the remainder will be paid when the specifications are complete. Estimated completion time is five weeks.

The board will pay the first half from the remaining $3,800 of the $10,000 donation that was received by the Recreation Department.

The board also decided to solicit bids for interest rates on a three-year loan to pay for the construction of the rec building, rather than taking the money directly from the trust fund. The board plans to make the first loan payment up front.


From left, Selectpersons Jeffrey Adams, Tiffany Maiuri, Ruth Cushman and David Leavitt share a laugh during a meeting Tuesday night. (Liz Marquis/Sun Journal)

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