DEAR SUN SPOTS: We have seen the requests and concerns of former clients in your column regarding Central Maine Veterinary Hospital (CMVH) in Turner.

We deeply apologize if you didn’t receive the message CMVH sent out via mass e-mail to all of our clients. We had to close suddenly without warning due to a host of unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances.

We are more than happy to send you your records. Please send an e-mail to and we will send them out to you ASAP. Due to lack of resources, records can only be sent out through email. We hope this message reaches all those in need.

–Johanna, no town

ANSWER: I hope all our readers will spread the word and share this email address. If you were a client of CMVH and don’t have access to email, perhaps you could ask a friend, relative, or even your local librarian to help you with an email to get your records.

I also think it would be very helpful for any of you folks in the readership area to recommend a caring, skilled veterinarian at this time. I’ll publish a list and keep it for the Rolodex. We all need to keep our furry family members healthy and happy and give their “parents” peace of mind as well!


DEAR SUN SPOTS: Recently a friend and I had lunch at Dubois Café. We enjoyed conversation with a gentleman sitting nearby. After he left, our waitress informed us that he had paid for our meal. We want to thank “Dan” for his kind gesture and guarantee that we will pay it forward.

–No name, Lewiston

ANSWER: Because of these extra sweet “Sun Spots”, I have treated someone to a meal a couple times recently and it feels so wonderful! If you have the means to pay for a stranger’s meal or just a coffee, the rewards really are immeasurable and you will be blessed.

DEAR SUN SPOTS: Do you only accept physical letters asking for help or do you accept online letters via email?

–Anthony, Auburn

ANSWER: I accept written notes and letters as well as emails. The specifics are below in the last paragraph.


If you don’t see your letter within a couple weeks, it means I’m researching the answer which sometimes takes several phone calls and some major digging. Sometimes I know the answers to your questions off the top of my head, and sometimes I have to chase down an answer that leads me to parts unknown. There are times I ask my wonderful readers for help.

Every once in a while, I receive a question that is inappropriate for Sun Spots or isn’t a good fit so I send those to another Sun Journal department whenever possible.

Letters that are simply announcing an event go to Opinion letters go to Only charities can ask for freebies. Individuals must offer to pay for things they are looking for unless it’s something that has negligible value, like empty baby food jars.

Know that I appreciate all of you very much. Everything is interesting to me and every day, I learn something new!

This column is for you, our readers. It is for your questions and comments. There are only two rules: You must write to the column and sign your name (we won’t use it if you ask us not to). Please include your phone number. Letters will not be returned or answered by mail, and telephone calls will not be accepted. Your letters will appear as quickly as space allows. Address them to Sun Spots, P.O. Box 4400, Lewiston, ME 04243-4400. Inquiries can also be emailed to

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